Welcome To
My Personal Portfolio

The purpose of this portfolio is to present my self to the world and take my development skills to the next level.

Malek Haddar



Developed a web application that let users with the help of a chatbot create their professional CV, enroll in online courses, and get courses, events, and job suggestions based on their skills (React, Node js, Express, MongoDB, Firebase, Dialogflow … )

  • Mongo
  • Express
  • React
  • Node


Iblog is a collective blog and the first inclusive platform in Tunisia. Read-hear-watch our content.I have an opinion, then I blog ..

  • Laravel
  • Voyager

Royal Car

Luxurious Car Agency application with Json Server (backend)

  • Angular
  • Typescript


معلومة هو موقع عملتو منظمةأنا يقظ لمتابعة جميع مراحل الحصول على المعلومة وهذا لمتابعة مدى التزام الإدارة واحترامها لحقنا الدستوري في النفاذ إلى المعلومة وهو بدوره مساحة لنشر جميع المعلومات والوثائق المتحصل عليها عبر قانون عدد 22 لسنة 2016 مما يفتح المجال الى استعمالها

  • Laravel
  • Bootstrap


I've worked with a range a technologies in the web development world. From Back-end To Design

  • Front-End

    Experience with
    React js, Angular, Vue js

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node js, Laravel, Spring boot

  • UI/UX

    Experience with
    tools like Figma

About Me

Questioning by nature, nonconformist by birth, curious by instinct, clumsy by heritage… and programmer by passion! I have a strong growth mindset to set on solving any usability problem that comes my way. You won’t have to ask me twice to come on an adventure with you like outdoor camping in the middle of winter.I also think sport is the answer to most of life’s problems.

Personal Acomplishments


Open Source Projects


Github Repositories


Github Stars

Innovating one project at a time !